Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Say What You Mean To Say

Have you ever sent an email or said something that was followed by the comment "what do you mean"?

It happens to the best of us.

Messages can be deciphered into many different points. What is lost in an email or text message is tone and direction which is why I am a fan of picking up the phone and talking directly with the person I am trying to glean information from, or to pass along important information.
The key for successful communications is clear direction and core message development.

Here is another example.
Today is April 28 and my home city of Calgary Alberta is bracing for heavy rain and snow (yes I said snow) for the next 48 hours.
What did you hear in that message?

Did you hear that it's going to be cold, wet and miserable in Calgary for the next two days?

Or, did you hear that Calgary is finally going to get some much needed spring moisture?

Effective message delivery to the Media is just as important.

Before broadcasting a message through all forms of media, start with a clear direction (objective) of what you are trying to accomplish. If you are unsure of your key message, you are not ready for your moment in the spotlight.

Are we clear?


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Media Releases: What Not To Say

Can I tell you a secret?

Never use those words to someone in the media.

As a Media Coach and Consultant, I am often called to assist companies connect with the media and offer coaching and training for a major media event.

While there are many things you should tell the media with either a well written media release or media conference, there are numerous words and phrases that you should not say to the media.

There are so many stories I could tell you (and bore you) about my 25 years in the Media, so I called upon a good friend who has spent even more time in the Broadcast News business.

George Gordon is a Media pro who has spent a lifetime writing, editing and reading News stories. He is currently the owner of Be Heard Communications and the author of "What's Your Story.

I asked George several questions about effective communication with the media.

Question: What should never be said to the media or included in a media release...but still do?
George Gordon: 'No Comment' is the absolute worst and most common thing people say, even if it's not a bad thing they are calling about. You could be missing the opportunity to be "the authority", "expert" or "go-to person".
Stay away from giant words and inside talk or phrases that will make the reader or listener feel left our. And avoid attacks on competitors or antagonists. Speak your trust and it will set you free or at least make you look like a high road rider.

Question: What are the must-haves in an effective media release?
George Gordon: Use power words like 'you' and 'your' when talking about a subject. Use absolute statements, not waffling phrases. Example:
Wrong = "the situation is not so good".
Correct = "It's a BAD situation".

Question: How much does the News Media rely on social media for tips and updates?
George Gordon: Too much and not enough. Those who ignore social media do so at their own peril. One Twitter posting on something going on may not mean a lot but several tweets means you've just been given the heads-up on something going on. Like all tips, they need to be followed up, confirmed and verified.

Question: Do you see News Media and Social Media as competitors or allies?
George Gordon: Ally. Any medium that delivers a message needs to be used. Twitter, Facebook and MySpace should be used carefully as a tool to draw listeners, viewers and readers to your main platform. Using twitter to throw out a teaser about a big story is like throwing out the hook and drawing people to your net before anyone else can get them. Example: "Cop arrested for selling drugs, caught on film. The exclusive story coming up at 10". Today's reality; every medium has a web page with alert functions and the ability to upload video and audio on to a site from their own people or from the people on social media using new wireless devices.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Business Marketing with Twitter

Social Media has revolutionized the way Business connects with customers. No longer are your hands tied to a single advertisement in a Newspaper, or a radio or TV commercial that was produced a week ago. Social Media allows real-time communication to your customers.

One of the newest social media players is Twitter. While Facebook continues to grow, so does Twitter.

Simply put, Twitter is like high school - you always hung out with the cool people and other cool people hung out with you.
Twitter is all about following people you find interesting and people following you who find you interesting.
You can learn what is going on in the world and you can also educate your followers. The more interesting and engaging you are, the more people from around the globe will find you and start following you. Do not be afraid. It's cool to be cool.
For Business, Twitter is a resource for:
-Customer service
-Customer relations
-Drive traffic back to your Website or blog
-Employment opportunities (looking for new staff)
-Competition review
-Immediate two-way communication with customers and clients

If any of those aspects interest you, I recommend creating a Twitter account and start connecting with prospective new clients. Before creating your account, I also recommend the creation of a Social Media Code of Conduct that is reviewed by all staff members to ensure the proper content is being shared by all staffers.

So, what is a 'Tweet'? A tweet is a 140 character message that is viewed by your followers. The most effective tweets include a call to action or give the reader a reason to visit your business. In the beginning it might not appear that your 'tweets' are effective but do not give up. Try to tweet several times a day and keep your messages consistent with your business model. Try different types of messages and eventually you will find certain messages receive more attention.

There are so many business uses for Twitter to broadcast and connect with clients and reach out to new customers.

What is also great about Twitter, it can be added to your mobile device allowing you to update and send pictures to your followers from events and immediately respond to followers.

For starters, here are 5 Twitter tips for building your business.

Take a deep breath. You will get through this. Just start slowly and soon, the whole world will be at your fingertips.

Find me on Twitter.

Speak Media Consulting offers coaching and training for all your media needs, from understanding the inner workings of traditional media to effective uses of social media.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Writing Effective Media Releases; tips for attracting Media attention

Before you launch a new product, introduce new programs or announce details of a recent incident at your business, you need to gain the attention and support from the media. If you are lucky, you have already built strong relationships with your local media outlets and know who to call. However, knowing what to say and how to deliver your message to the media is a challenge for many people.

George Gordon is a long time friend of mine who has spent many years in Broadcast News in Canada. He is also the Owner of Be Heard Communications, and author of "What's Your Story". In his role in an active News Room, George has seen the best and worst stories across his desk. Responding to a few questions, George shares his insight below.

Question: What are the most important elements to include in an effective Media Release?
George Gordon: The title must have the hook. For TV, what is the visual? From a print perspective, what will there be to write about "tomorrow".

Peel the onion to what your release is all about. It is said when people feel the pain, they are looking for who ever has the cure. Are you going to provide a better, faster or cheaper service?

Example: Your municipality has banned backyard or "cosmetic" pesticides and you fear for your lawn. The smart lawn care or pest control company with the remedy has a great opportunity.

Your Media Release could look like this:
The Hook: Save your lawn without big killer. Ace Lawn Care introduces the Nematode.
Contact Person
Phone Number

Context: The new City law and the dilemma it creates for home owners with pretty lawns.

Unfolding the story: How many acres of lawns affected, which pests are likely to be a problem. Look for actual figures to quote.

Building the momentum: What evil bugs will now be free to devour your lawn? What will it do to the appearance and value of your property?

Climax: Ace now has trained lawn technicians who will treat your lawn safely and effectively using the natural predator of most grubs. The Nematode is a tiny organism that eats the grub larvae but will not harm other insects like bees.

Big Finish: Call Ace Lawn Care today about their Green solution for a green lawn. We will explain the process and give you an estimate on what this investment will mean for you.

Question: How effective is this style or format for a Media release?
George Gordon: The bold letter component titles are from a formula I used to help reporters focus. If your release makes it easy for a reporter or editor to see the story merits you have a better chance of being used. I also like to see the contact coordinater up top. Don't make the harried (or lazy) person at the desk have to look for it.

Question: As a News Director, what was most effective in catching your eye and making you interested in the story?
George Gordon: A good release has empathy for the people affected and words like 'you' and 'your' are more powerful in connecting with the eye and ear. Keep language plain and simple. People are not stupid but are bombarded with information and can't always grasp every message.
Another thing; try to avoid negatives. Like: "The politicians have decided to take away your weapon against bugs". Provide the positive: "Ace is leading the way in the environmentally friendly way to...".
One last thing - if your name is on the release, make sure you are ready to take the call or answer the email immediately.

Next week, check back for insight on what NOT to say to the media, and the impact of social media on news reporting.

Thanks for reading.

More tips and tricks are available when you sign up to my FREE Newsletter.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How To Cut Through The Noise

Let me guess; one of your earliest childhood memories was learning the letters of the alphabet. Since then you have lived your life confident in the knowledge that "I" comes before "U" in the alphabet. Guess what - you are WRONG.

Before you write a letter to your Grade school teachers or to the Sesame Street gang, let me explain.

For years, marketing and advertising campaigns were designed around the values and experience of the business to demonstrate the products or services being offered. Essentially, consumers were told what was good for them, and for quite some time we believed them. Call this the "I" method of communication.

Then a number of marketing and advertising agencies began to shift the focus of attention towards the consumers to demonstrate how each product or services would impact the lives of the consumer. Call this the "U" method of communication.

Today more than ever, you need to explore how to put your consumers needs ahead of your own.

Think for a moment how many messages you sift through and prioritize each day with email, text messaging, telephone calls, newspaper columns, magazine articles, blog posts, TV news, radio commentary, billboard advertising on buildings, buses and street benches, website click throughs, social media (Facebook and Twitter, etc), meetings, letters, fliers stuffed under your windshield wiper and even bathroom stall advertising. Yes, there are so many ways to broadcast your message. Now, quickly think about how many of those messages do you remember at this moment. Which messages did you respond to and which messages did you discard?

How do you cut through the noise?

As a Media Coach and Consultant offering effective solutions for message creation, delivery and engagement, I am constantly being asked to create communication links (dialogue) between clients and business. Effective messaging, either with media releases, marketing, advertising, even email and blog posts, should focus on the impact of your consumer. Answer their questions: "What's in it for me?", and "How will this effect my heart, health or wallet?".

Start with re-arranging your business priorities by putting the needs of your clients and consumers ahead of your own. In other words, re-arrange the alphabet and put "U" ahead of "I".


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