Friday, April 23, 2010

Writing Effective Media Releases; tips for attracting Media attention

Before you launch a new product, introduce new programs or announce details of a recent incident at your business, you need to gain the attention and support from the media. If you are lucky, you have already built strong relationships with your local media outlets and know who to call. However, knowing what to say and how to deliver your message to the media is a challenge for many people.

George Gordon is a long time friend of mine who has spent many years in Broadcast News in Canada. He is also the Owner of Be Heard Communications, and author of "What's Your Story". In his role in an active News Room, George has seen the best and worst stories across his desk. Responding to a few questions, George shares his insight below.

Question: What are the most important elements to include in an effective Media Release?
George Gordon: The title must have the hook. For TV, what is the visual? From a print perspective, what will there be to write about "tomorrow".

Peel the onion to what your release is all about. It is said when people feel the pain, they are looking for who ever has the cure. Are you going to provide a better, faster or cheaper service?

Example: Your municipality has banned backyard or "cosmetic" pesticides and you fear for your lawn. The smart lawn care or pest control company with the remedy has a great opportunity.

Your Media Release could look like this:
The Hook: Save your lawn without big killer. Ace Lawn Care introduces the Nematode.
Contact Person
Phone Number

Context: The new City law and the dilemma it creates for home owners with pretty lawns.

Unfolding the story: How many acres of lawns affected, which pests are likely to be a problem. Look for actual figures to quote.

Building the momentum: What evil bugs will now be free to devour your lawn? What will it do to the appearance and value of your property?

Climax: Ace now has trained lawn technicians who will treat your lawn safely and effectively using the natural predator of most grubs. The Nematode is a tiny organism that eats the grub larvae but will not harm other insects like bees.

Big Finish: Call Ace Lawn Care today about their Green solution for a green lawn. We will explain the process and give you an estimate on what this investment will mean for you.

Question: How effective is this style or format for a Media release?
George Gordon: The bold letter component titles are from a formula I used to help reporters focus. If your release makes it easy for a reporter or editor to see the story merits you have a better chance of being used. I also like to see the contact coordinater up top. Don't make the harried (or lazy) person at the desk have to look for it.

Question: As a News Director, what was most effective in catching your eye and making you interested in the story?
George Gordon: A good release has empathy for the people affected and words like 'you' and 'your' are more powerful in connecting with the eye and ear. Keep language plain and simple. People are not stupid but are bombarded with information and can't always grasp every message.
Another thing; try to avoid negatives. Like: "The politicians have decided to take away your weapon against bugs". Provide the positive: "Ace is leading the way in the environmentally friendly way to...".
One last thing - if your name is on the release, make sure you are ready to take the call or answer the email immediately.

Next week, check back for insight on what NOT to say to the media, and the impact of social media on news reporting.

Thanks for reading.

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